studioMezclado is the studio/gallery of Bobbi Studstill, a prolific, yet relatively unknown mixed media artist and naive photographer, currently relocating to Chicago from New Orleans.
Since childhood she has created. For many years of her adult life, the hours were filled with raising two daughters, maintaining a modest household and 8-5 office duties. Yet, she continued acquiring skills and knowledge. She collected vintage cloth and paper, sewing notions, varieties of coloring materials and made photographic images of every kind. She manifested some of those environments and scenarios into an artform simply called "mezclado". Inspired by dreams, readings and curious visions, imaginal landscapes, sanctuaries and village scenarios were created using self-made images, vintage and new papers, old books, clipped images and text, ephemera, seamstress notions, paints and assorted marks. Projects and new pieces are most always informed by travels and her current stash of recycled and "rescued" materials and are currently featuring more paint than collage, more abstract than literal.
Bobbi's work is currently visible at the beautiful Artisans Gallery in Fredericksburg, Texas and at the Cornelia Arts Building in Chicago. She is available for additional representation and interesting collaborations. Feel free to contact her at